BLAS Level 2

BLAS Level 2 are $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ class operators, still operand access limited as we need to fetch multiple operands per operation without any reuse. The core operator is the matrix-vector multiplication in all its different forms specialized for matrix shape — triangular, banded, symmetric —, and matrix type — integer, real, complex, conjugate, or Hermitian —.

Let $A \in \Bbb{R^{mxn}}$, the matrix-vector product is defined as: $$z = Ax, \space where \space x \in \Bbb{R^n}$$

The typical approach is to evaluate the dot products:

$$z_i = \sum_{j=1}^n a_{ij}x_i$$

And in a parallel environment, all these dot products are independent and conceivably could be evaluated at the same time. However, the distribution of the vector $x$ is not instantaneous, and in a balanced computation/communication architecture, we can use a propagation recurrence to distribute the vector across the rows of the matrix $A$.

Matrix-vector multiplication

compute ( (i,j,k) | 1 <= i,j <= N, k = 1 ) {
    x: x[i,j-1,k]
    z: a[i,j,k-1] * x[i,j-1,k]

Banded, symmetric, and triangular versions simply alter the constraint set of the domains of computation: the fundamental dependencies do not change.