An Example

Let’s look at a simple, but frequently used operator in Deep Learning inference: dense matrix multiplication. A Domain Flow program 1 for this operator is shown below:

compute ( (i,j,k) | 1 <= i,j,k <= N ) {
    a: a[i,j-1,k]
    b: b[i-1,j,k]
    c: c[i,j,k-1] + a[i,j-1,k] * b[i-1,j,k]

The underlying algorithm requires a domain of computation governed by a set of constraints, and a set of computational dependencies that implicitly define a partial order across all the operations in the computation. The partial order is readily visible in the need to have computed the result for $c[i,j,k-1]$ before the computation of $c[i,j,k]$ can commence. In contrast, the $a$ and $b$ recurrences are independent of each other.

From a design perspective, an explicit dependency enables us to order the nodes in a computational graph. This can be done in time, as is customary in sequential programming: the sequence of instructions is a constraint to order the operations in time and enable an unambiguious semantic interpretation of the value of a variable even though that variable may be reused. Parallel algorithms offer more degrees of freedom to order the computational events. In addition to sequential order, we must also disambiguate variables in space as variables that occupy the same location represent resource contention. Any physical execution machine would need to provide a mechanism to sequence that resource contention, increasing complexity and slowing down the execution.

The key design objective for high-performant parallel computation is to find partial orders, posets, where independent computational events are spatially separated, and dependent events are spatially ‘close’.

If we look back at the domain flow code of matrix multiply, we observe that all results are bound to a unique variable. This is called Static Single Assignment Form (SSA). Such a graph that makes all computational dependencies explicit.

The second observation is that the computational events are made unique with a variable name and an index tag, represented by $[i,j,k]$. The constraint set: $compute \; (\quad (i,j,k) \quad | \quad 1 <= i,j,k <= N \;)$, carves out a subset in the lattice $N^3$, and the body defines the computational events at each of the lattice points $[i,j,k]$ contained in the subset.

Thirdly, dependencies between computational events are specified by an index expression. The statement $a: a[i,j-1,k]$ is a shorthand for $a[i,j,k] := a[i,j-1,k]$, defining a dependency to the value at $[i,j-1,k]$ for each lattice point where the variable $a$ is defined.

A thorough understanding of the partial and total orders inherent in the parallel computation is essential for finding optimal domain flow algorithms.

High-performance, low-power execution patterns frequently involve a partial order that enables timely reuse of computational results, or creates flexibility to organize just-in-time arrival of input operands to avoid memory elements.

In the next segment, let’s explore these execution patterns.

1: Derivation of Domain Flow Matmul